What do successful Open Source (OS) technologies, such as Android, Linux or Drupal have in common? The software can be used free of charge, their source codes are openly available – and they are key for the digital transformation of enterprises. More and more processes and products are based on systems with OS components at Daimler as well.
For instance, the new Mercedes-Benz MO360 Production Ecosystem will ensure maximum efficiency in the global production network and new Mercedes-Benz S-Class will define the impact in the automotive industry. OS modules are, just as the body or the engine, component parts and core parts of innovative mobility services, financial services, apps, online platforms and digital ecosystems. And they will gain even more importance in the future.
In order for Daimler to be able to fully utilize all potentials of the digitalization and continue to meet the demand as innovation leader, the company is continuously developing new pulses – including with the support of his partners. Together, solutions must be developed that are in line with the social, ecological and economical objectives at Daimler. For the first time, the Inspiration Award was awarded to recognize the inspiring performance of the suppliers as part of the Daimler Supplier Award 2020. Awards were given to two partners each who made extraordinary contributions to product developments with their ideas. On 12 February 2020, Stephanie Lüpold, CEO of Amazee Labs AG, accepted one of the sought-after awards.

Setting the bar
Amazee Labs developed a Content Management System (CMS) based on the Drupal OS software for the smart.com website relaunch in 2019. In addition, the web agency delivered ideas for teamwork in the IT field. With that, the partner also supports the Daimler #TwiceAsFast IT strategy. For ten years, Amazee has realized OS web solutions for international customers and is part of the global OS Community.
The Drupal expert Amazee Labs employs digital top performers worldwide. Many of them work purely digitally and remotely from various countries, continents and time zones without the requirement of a physical presence at the Zürich Hub. In spite of this flexibility, the global team is a joint force of cultural belonging: All of them consider themselves as part of one company and passionately focus on the success of the project in the "Amazee Labs Spirit".
" Amazee Labs is the leader in the Open Source software industry. Sharing knowledge in this area and a mindset of open collaboration is what drives us ahead. We work as a team to design new work methods in the IT field. "
" We would like to thank Daimler for the award. As a strong actor in the OS Community, Amazee Labs has solved a challenge of the Drupal OS software: We have developed a revolutionary and simple way to manage digital contents internationally. We are very excited that Daimler is successfully implementing our solution. The Inspiration Award is a recognition of our work and motivation to continue to make everything possible for our customers. "
Shared benefits
Daimler teams from Procurement, IT and Marketing worked together to implement the smart.com website, which was rolled out in 35 countries. Three agencies were invited to pitch their products and services for the selection of the CMS Implementation Partner. Here, Amazee Labs was impressive with technical competence, very good use of the Drupal modules and high speed of implementation. "Amazee met all of the project objectives and additionally supported and accelerated the feature development of other participating project teams", explained Peter Morawski from the Daimler IT project team regarding the decision. Nora Ilg from the Daimler IT Procurement team of International Procurement Services (IPS) added: "An agile, cooperative partnership, trust, openness and honesty ensured first-class results from the very beginning."
With the further developed OS modules, product content provided by central marketing at www.smart.com can very easily be adapted to market-specific contents. A guiding Drupal solution that was also applied to the Open Source Community: Daimler, in cooperation with Amazee Labs, contributed to the global OS Developer Community and can thereby further increase not only its attractiveness in the Open Source Community but also as an employer. At the same time, the automotive manufacturer is able to participate in the design of important IT developments from the start and benefit from innovations that are driven in the community. "A perfect Win-Win situation", emphasizes the IT Procurement Agent, Nora Ilg.
" With the Drupal Open Source Solution as CMS and an agile service provider like Amazee, we were able to create very simple modular contents for personalized websites and significantly reduce the operating costs. "
Designing the future
Free & Open Source Software, FOSS in short, is a pillar of the Daimler #TwiceAsFast IT strategy – and a driving force for the development of trendsetting digital ecosystems. Daimler, the partners and the developers are working toward the common goal of open standardized platforms that encompass all of the software families. Such as the new generation of the Mercedes me apps, which form the basis for the flexible and individual integration of new services in the future.
While closed technologies tend to rather block quick progress in some cases, the OS software provides an optimal dynamic. "This enables Daimler to participate in setting the bar and benefit from yielded information as part of the OS Community", underscores Daimler IT expert Peter Morawski and adds: "We are more efficient because of synergies, more innovative and confident because of numerous updates and faster on the market." This speeds up processes in the entire enterprise: in the development, production and introduction of new vehicles, for mobility and financial services including apps, online platforms and digital ecosystems.
Nora Ilg, International Procurement Services (IPS), sums it up: "As a successful enterprise in the Open Source industry, Amazee Labs is a living culture of worldwide and open collaboration. This special 'Sprit' of transparency, knowledge and code exchange inspires us beyond the project work." Daimler will thereby also count on the pulses of partners in the future to identify trends and innovation together and implement them with a focus on customer benefit.