Dear Daimler Supplier Network partners,
Daimler gives top priority to ensuring its employees, suppliers, and service providers have a safe working environment. The dynamic worldwide progression of COVID-19 infection figures shows us that the pandemic is not over. We must continue to do everything possible to stem the spread of the corona virus. Unfortunately, a personal meeting with face-to-face collaboration, which is the fundamental concept behind the Daimler Supplier Award, would undermine our efforts towards this goal.
For this reason, we have decided to suspend the Daimler Supplier Award program for 2021. At the same time, we are already looking forward to welcoming our top suppliers, in person, at our global supplier event in 2022. What we would like to honor in 2021: the most impressive sustainability performance from our supplier network. More about this soon...
But also, in 2020, you, our dear partners, have all impressed across the board! We would like to take this opportunity to thank you in three ways: For your strong response to COVID-19. For your courageous and proactive crisis management all over the world. And for maintaining a stable supply chain at all times. You can be justifiably proud of your commitment – because it has made a decisive contribution in 2020!
We appreciate the excellent cooperation with you and are confident that we will continue this successfully in the future. Stay healthy!
Kind regards,
Andreas Burkhart, Head of International Procurement Services, Daimler AG | Dr. Gunnar Güthenke, Head of Mercedes-Benz Cars Procurement & Supplier Quality, Mercedes-Benz AG | Dr. Marcus Schoenenberg, Head of Global Procurement Trucks & Buses, Daimler Truck AG |