Version 2

    The supplier calendar on the GLASS platform offers you as a supplier the opportunity to record your individual closing times, for example the break between the years.

    Note! If you do not yet have access to the GLASS application, please request this via the Supplier Portal (Your Applications) and confirm this with your portal manager.

    A description of the application process is provided below. To increase the transparency of the evaluation status, an overview of all evaluation statuses at plant level is displayed in the pop-up window of a closing time request. The status per plant is either “Approved”, “Rejected” or “Pending”. If a plant is rejected, a comment is displayed informing about the reason for the rejection.

    General Process

    The supplier calendar influences the creation of the Pick-Up Sheet. Accordingly, you can only enter closing times if there are part numbers in the PUS process. Only the material planers who manage the corresponding part numbers in the PUS process are informed of the closing times. Part numbers without a PUS process, and therefore the corresponding plants, must still be informed separately.

    Closing times must be requested at least 14 days in advance so that they can be processed in good time and taken into account in the Pick-Up Sheet process. In addition, the correct creation of a closing time request includes the following steps:

    1. Open the GLASS application and then the “Supplier Closing Dates” in the “Master Data Management” menu.

    2. After entering your supplier number, select the planned closing time in the calendar. For closing times lasting several days, select the first day of the planned closing time.

    3. To create a new closing time, select the period (start and end date) in the pop-up window. Enter the reason for your closing time request in the “Description” field (e.g. “Christmas break”, “End of year”, etc.). The reason is used to evaluate the closing time request and is mandatory. Click “Save” to confirm your selection. The dispatchers concerned will now be informed of the closing time request by e-mail.

    Important: Enter your company's emergency contact in the supplier area of the SMB (Information >> Supplier). In an emergency, the specified contact is used for short-term communication during the requested closing time. Confirm the details of your emergency contact in the SMB by selecting the checkbox in GLASS.

    Note: The “Emergency contact” function is currently being implemented in GLASS. It is currently mandatory to enter this information in the SMB.

    4. For the status of your request, you can select the requested closing days (blue) and see an overview table in the pop-up window that opens. This shows the status of the request for each plant and a comment if a plant is rejected.

    5. After the request has been evaluated by the relevant materials planer of the Mercedes-Benz plants, you will be informed of the result in writing.