Version 3

    Romania passed a legal requirement for local Romanian, incoming invoices, starting July 1st.

    Invoices must be transmitted by Romanian suppliers to the legal platform ANAF/SPV and must be downloaded there.

    Therefore, the entire invoice entry and correction process, regarding local Romanian suppliers, will be changed.

    Which entities within the MB Group are affected by this legal change?

    The Star Assembly SRL is affected. 

    Is it mandatory, for me as a supplier, to send an invoice to above mentioned entities?

    All vendors established in Romania or having a permanent establishment in Romania are obliged to send invoices to SPV/ANAF.

    Which additional fields need to be provided?

    GPC, Invoice requirement letter (link).

    If the data is missing, the invoices will no longer be processed. Request for correction via SPV/ANAF Portal.

    Is it allowed to send invoices additionally in the old way?

    After the GoLive, it is no longer possible for in RO established suppliers to send invoices in the old way. The documents will be rejected