Version 26


    Service Parts EDI 997 V1.0

    (0,51 MB)-7.17.2019

    Service Parts EDI 830 V1.0

    (0,87 MB)-7.17.2019

    Service Parts EDI 856 V1.0

    (0,77 MB)-7.17.2019

    Service Parts Supplier Scorecard V1.0

    pdf(0,22 MB)-8.15.2019

    SG 1 MBUSI Service Parts Systems.pdf

    pdf(0,58 MB)-5.30.2024

    SG 2 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).pdf

    pdf(0,14 MB)-5.30.2024

    SG 3 Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN).pdf

    pdf(0,19 MB)-5.30.2024

    SG 4 Quality of Parts.pdf

    pdf(0,64 MB)-5.30.2024

    SG 5 Lifecycle Management and Parts Technical.pdf

    pdf(0,16 MB)-5.30.2024

    SG 6 Transportation Requirements.pdf

    pdf(0,21 MB)-5.30.2024

    SG 7 Country of Origin Request.pdf

    pdf(0,12 MB)-5.30.2024

    SG 8 Supplier Packaging Guidelines.pdf

    pdf(1,17 MB)-5.30.2024

    SG 9 VAS2000 Label Installation Guide.pdf

    pdf(1,00 MB)-5.30.2024

    SG 11 Accumulator Dangerous Goods Confirmation Letter.pdf

    pdf(0,12 MB)-5.30.2024

    SG 12 Chargebacks.pdf

    pdf(0,11 MB)-5.30.2024

    VDA2 PPAP Cover Sheet.pdf

    pdf(0,46 MB)-5.31.2024