Version 64


    OnePager IBL-Modul

    #0009 OnePager_Confirmation of arrival_ Quick guide; Quick guide of the functions in the IBL

    pdf(0,16 MB)-6.26.2024

    #0010 OnePager_IBL_notification emails; How to subscribe to notification e-mails?

    pdf(0,20 MB)-6.26.2024

    #0012 OnePager_IBL_Assistance; Where can I find quick or detailed help, guidelines,etc.?

    pdf(0,24 MB)-6.26.2024

    #0013 OnePager_IBL_Info area; What is behind the info area?

    pdf(0,22 MB)-6.26.2024

    #0014 OnePager_IBL_Quaterlyreports; How can quarterly reports be created?

    pdf(0,24 MB)-6.26.2024

    #0021 TwoPager_IBL_quarterly report; Where can I find information about the debits?

    pdf(0,66 MB)-6.26.2024

    OnePager IBL-DQM

    #0001 OnePager_EDI Test_4913; Data check of a VDA4913 EDI- delivery note

    pdf(0,19 MB)-6.26.2024

    #0002 OnePager_EDI_Test_4987; Data check of a VDA4987 EDI- delivery note

    pdf(0,57 MB)-6.26.2024

    #0003 OnePager_EDI-Good consignment note; Which documents are relevant?

    pdf(0,24 MB)-6.26.2024

    #0004 OnePager_DQM_Favorites; Find features that are frequently used faster

    pdf(0,18 MB)-6.26.2024

    #0005 OnePager_DQM_Filter_D301; Targeted search for specific dial-up transmissions by filter/category/status

    pdf(0,20 MB)-6.26.2024

    #0006 OnePager_DQM_Hierarchy error; What is causing a hierarchy error?

    pdf(0,20 MB)-6.26.2024

    #0007 OnePager_DQM_Original-Datei; Where can I find the original EDI file?

    pdf(0,18 MB)-6.26.2024

    #0008 OnePager_DQM_Item number adjust weights; Adjusting reference weights

    pdf(0,30 MB)-1.20.2025

    #0015 OnePager_package number; Correct field length of the package number (from or to)

    pdf(0,61 MB)-6.26.2024

    #0020 OnePager_empties; Information within an EDI-message containing empties

    pdf(0,56 MB)-6.26.2024

    #0022 Transport data in the VDA 4913; How must transport data be entered for the FTL process?

    pdf(0,62 MB)-6.26.2024

    #0027 Pickup-Sheet capture aid; Delivery Note Creation with Automatic Pre-Filling

    pdf(0,18 MB)-6.26.2024

    #0030 Parcel deliveries; Special features of VDA 4913

    pdf(0,20 MB)-10.11.2024

    #0031 DQM - Functions for Suppliers; Where can I find which DQM functions and what can I do with them?

    pdf(0,14 MB)-9.2.2024

    OnePager IBL-TM

    #0018 OnePager_transport data from 4913 copy; Notes on creating the VDA 4921 from the VDA 4913 copy

    pdf(0,18 MB)-7.3.2024

    #0019 OnePager_Transportdaten_Datencheck Plant 999; Test of a transport notification according to VDA 4921

    pdf(0,16 MB)-2.7.2025

    #0026 IBL functions for GS; TM Where can I find which IBL functions and what can I do with them?

    pdf(0,14 MB)-7.2.2024