Version 7



    1. How does the registration process work?

    You can find detailed instructions here (Quick Guide ). 

    2. Where do I find the FVP User Manual?

    The manual is available under the following link: User Manual for FVP 


    1. Which data is mandatory on invoices?

    Please find detailed information in the “Invoice requirements” document Invoice Requirements. For invoice type specific invoice requirements (production material, non-production material, services and freight), please refer to the following page Invoice Requirements general. There you will find respective invoice requirement letters.  

    2. Invoice transmission: How can I transmit my invoice?

    It is possible to transmit your invoice via Basware (eInvoicing), VDA4938 or ERS Credit Note Process. 

    For more detailed information, please enter this page (Invoice Transmission). You will find there detailed info packages for each kind of invoice transmission. 

    3. How to transmit invoices without purchase order?

    Invoices without purchase order have to be submitted with posting information or contact name from the responsible Mercedes-Benz Group AG department.  

    4. Where can I find invoice samples?

    Please refer to the following page Sample invoices

    5. Searching for my invoice number in the FVP didn't yield any results?

    Please ensure that you selected the correct legal entity. Check the selected Mercedes-Benz Group company again. The correct company can be found in your purchase order documents.  

    Please note: If your invoice has been sent to MB Manufacturing Poland, open items cannot be displayed due to technical restrictions - even if the invoice has already been received and is being processed. Please do not reissue the invoice. Once the invoice has been posted, you will find it with the status "Free for payment". If you have any questions about an overdue invoice, please get in touch with the responsible invoice verification team. Please send an email to:

    6. My invoice has been canceled/reduced. What do I have to do now?

    For information on reduced or cancelled invoices please check our debit note which is provided in paper form or transferred via EDI. Please check the information on the debit notes first, then follow the instructions mentioned on the documents. 

    7. Debit/credit notes: When can I receive debit/credit notes via email?

    8. Under open invoices I can't find my invoice sent to MB Manufacturing Poland.

    Due to technical restrictions, your invoice can only be displayed in the system after it has been posted. Please do not reissue your invoice. As soon as your invoice has the status "free for payment", you will be able to see it in the portal. If you have any questions about the status of your invoice, please contact


    1. Where do I find contact partner?

    On this page (Contacts) you will find an overview of all contacts.  

    2. I have questions about accounting issues. Who should I contact?

    Please send any queries by email to the relevant email addresses listed on this page (contact persons), stating the LN number and invoice and/or document number (format LN 1xx/ xxxxx RG: xxx document xxx) (Contacts). 

    3. I have telephone queries. Who can I contact?

    Please find the phone contact Contacts.  

    4. How long is the hotline available?

    Please find here the service times.  


    1. Where can I change my address?

    Please open the supplier data base SDB (SDB) to change your address.  

    2. Where can I change my email address?

    You can change your email address directly under the section “Display your own data”, Click the button “Request for Master Data Email Change”.  

    3. Bank account: How to change my bank account data?

    Please change your bank account data in SDB ( Here you find a short manual.  


    Important hint: please do not add a second bank account, please change your bank account data by using the icon with the pencil.  


    1. I have issues while using the application. What can I do?

    Please send a request in the “Company selection” page (where you enter the respective entity). By clicking on the pencil icon in the upper right corner of the page, you can send a request where you can explain the issue in detail.  

    User Manual_Change bank account data in SDB.pdf

    pdf(0,28 MB)-4.23.2024